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BSUserInterfaceTextIDConstants Enumeration

Identifiers for the caption texts and strings used in the component to show to the final user.
In each constant comment is the default English caption.

When translating to a new language, many of them are standard captions that can be found with Microsoft teminology search.

Note: This enum is not provided by the component. You will need to declare the constants in your code to use them.

bsPPUI_General_CloseButton_Caption = 2000 ' English text: "Close"        It is a generic caption for the 'Close' button.
bsPPUI_General_OKButton_Caption = 2100 ' English text: "OK"        It is a generic caption for the 'OK' button.
bsPPUI_General_CancelButton_Caption = 2200 ' English text: "Cancel"        It is a generic caption for the 'Cancel' button.
bsPPUI_General_Unnamed_FileName = 2300 ' English text: "Unnamed"        Default file name when the user did not supply a name.
bsPPUI_General_PageNumbersFormatStrings_Count = 4000 ' English text: "21"        This must be the number of format strings for the page numbers that will be available. It must be a numeric value.    The format strings will be fetched with ID bsPPUI_General_PageNumbersFormatString_Item to N -1, where N is the number specified in bsPPUI_General_PageNumbersFormatStrings_Count.
bsPPUI_General_PageNumbersFormatString_Item = 4100 ' English text: "{#}"        Base ID for the page numbers format strings. The format strings start with this ID the first one and go to N -1 for the last one, where N is the number supplied for TextID bsPPUI_General_PageNumbersFormatStrings_Count.        To see the different format string for English, read the description of the PageNumbersFormat property.
bsPPUI_General_PrintDocumentTooLongWarning_PageText = 4400 ' English text: "Document too long to print complete, done to the page {####}."        This text will be printed in a page added at the end of the report when attempting to print more than 2000 pages.        {####} is a placeholder, do not modify it.        
bsPPUI_General_PrintDocumentTooLongWarning_MsgBoxWarning = 4500 ' English text: "Document too long, will not be printed completely."        This message appears to the user when attempting to print more than 2000 pages in a report.
bsPPUI_General_PrinterNotAvailable1 = 4600 ' English text: "The printer '{Printer_Name}' is not available at this time, would you like to print to the default printer?"        This message will be displayed when the user attempts to print to a printer device that is no longer available.        {Printer_Name} is a placeholder for the printer device name, do not modify it.
bsPPUI_General_PrinterNotAvailable2 = 4700 ' English text: "The printer '{Printer_Name}' is not available at this time, cannot print."        This message will be displayed when the user attempts to print to a printer device that is no longer available and no other printer is available or installed.        {Printer_Name} is a placeholder for the printer device name, do not modify it.
bsPPUI_General_PageNumbers_Dont_Exists_Message = 4800 ' English text: "The specified page number(s) do not exist in the document."        This message will be displayed when the user on the Print dialog specifies one or more page numbers that do not exist in the report.
bsPPUI_General_SaveToFile_PrinterNotInstalled = 4900 ' English text: "The '{Printer_Name}' printer driver is not installed on this computer. Cannot save the file."        This message will be displayed to the user when, with the SaveToFile method, the printer specified by the DeviceNameToUse parameter is not installed on the computer.        {Printer_Name} is a placeholder for the printer device name, do not modify it.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Basic = 6000 ' English text: "Basic"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Basic_Gray = 6100 ' English text: "Basic Grey"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Basic_Red = 6200 ' English text: "Basic Red"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Basic_Green = 6300 ' English text: "Basic Green"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Basic_Yellow = 6400 ' English text: "Basic Yellow"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Modern = 8000 ' English text: "Modern"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Modern_Gray = 8100 ' English text: "Modern Grey"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Modern_Red = 8200 ' English text: "Modern Red"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Modern_Green = 8300 ' English text: "Modern Green"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Modern_Yellow = 8400 ' English text: "Modern Yellow"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Grid = 10000 ' English text: "Grid"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Grid_Gray = 10100 ' English text: "Grid Grey"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Grid_Red = 10200 ' English text: "Grid Red"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Grid_Green = 10300 ' English text: "Grid Green"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Grid_Yellow = 10400 ' English text: "Grid Yellow"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Closed = 12000 ' English text: "Closed"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Closed_Gray = 12100 ' English text: "Closed Grey"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Closed_Red = 12200 ' English text: "Closed Red"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Closed_Green = 12300 ' English text: "Closed Green"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Closed_Yellow = 12400 ' English text: "Closed Yellow"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Horizontal = 14000 ' English text: "Horizontal"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Horizontal_Gray = 14100 ' English text: "Horizontal Grey"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Horizontal_Red = 14200 ' English text: "Horizontal Red"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Horizontal_Green = 14300 ' English text: "Horizontal Green"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Horizontal_Yellow = 14400 ' English text: "Horizontal Yellow"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Free = 16000 ' English text: "Free"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Free_Gray = 16100 ' English text: "Free Grey"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Free_Red = 16200 ' English text: "Free Red"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Free_Green = 16300 ' English text: "Free Green"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_General_GridReportStyleNames_Free_Yellow = 16400 ' English text: "Free Yellow"        Name for this style shown in the FormatOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_Caption = 18000 ' English text: "Print preview"        It is the title bar caption that the Print Preview dialog box will display when the PreviewDialogCaption property is not set.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_mnuView2p_Caption = 18100 ' English text: "View 2 pages"        Is the text of the menu item to display two pages.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_mnuView3p_Caption = 18200 ' English text: "View 3 pages"        Is the text of the menu item to display three pages.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_mnuView6p_Caption = 18300 ' English text: "View 6 pages"        Is the text of the menu item to display six pages.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_mnuView12p_Caption = 18400 ' English text: "View 12 pages"        Is the text of the menu item to display twelve pages.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_mnuTopIconsAuto_Caption = 18500 ' English text: "Automatic icon size"        Is the text of the menu item to set the icon size to automatic.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_mnuTopIconsSmall_Caption = 18600 ' English text: "Small icons"        Is the text of the menu item to set the icon size to small.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_mnuTopIconsMedium_Caption = 18700 ' English text: "Medium icons"        Is the text of the menu item to set the icon size to medium.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_mnuTopIconsLarge_Caption = 18800 ' English text: "Large icons"        Is the text of the menu item to set the icon size to large.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_Icons_Size_Small = 18900 ' English text: "small"        Is the text that will appear in brackets after the text of bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_mnuTopIconsAuto_Caption when the aotomatic size of icons is set to small.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_Icons_Size_Medium = 19000 ' English text: "medium"        Is the text that will appear in brackets after the text of bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_mnuTopIconsAuto_Caption when the aotomatic size of icons is set to medium.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_Icons_Size_Large = 19100 ' English text: "large"        Is the text that will appear in brackets after the text of bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_mnuTopIconsAuto_Caption when the aotomatic size of icons is set to large.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_mnuTopShowBottomToolbar_Caption = 19200 ' English text: "Show bottom bar"        Is the text of the menu item to set whether to show a bottom bar for the page navigation buttons or not.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_mnuTopShowMargins_Caption = 19300 ' English text: "Show margins"        Is the text of the menu item to set whether to show the margins on the pages or not.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_CurrentlySelected = 19400 ' English text: "selected"        Is a text used in brackets to identify, in some circumstances, that an item is selected.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_CurrentlyShown = 19500 ' English text: "currently shown"        Is a text used in brackets to identify, in some circumstances, that an element is currently shown.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_lblPageOrientation_Caption = 19600 ' English text: "Page orientation:"        The text of the label for 'Page orientation:' at the toolbar.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_lblView_Caption = 19700 ' English text: "View:"        The text of the label for 'View:' at the toolbar.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_lblScale_Caption = 19800 ' English text: "Scale:"        The text of the label for 'Scale:' at the toolbar.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_CurrentPage_Singular_Caption = 19900 ' English text: "Page: {#} of {##}"        Template used when displaying one page, that is shown at the toolbar (on the bottom or top toolbar, depending on the setting of ShowBottomToolbar property and user setting).        {#} is the placeholder for the current page number that is on the screen, and {##} for the total page count.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_CurrentPage_Plural_Caption = 20000 ' English text: "Pages: {#} of {##}"        Template used when displaying more than one page, that is shown at the toolbar (on the bottom or top toolbar, depending on the setting of ShowBottomToolbar property and user setting).        {#} is the placeholder for the current pages numbers that are on the screen, and {##} for the total page count.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_PreparingDoc_Caption_LoadingPreview = 20200 ' English text: "Loading preview..."        It is the status text at the bottom in the Print Preview dialog box that is displayed while the report is prepared.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_PreparingDoc_Caption_PreparingDocument = 20300 ' English text: "Preparing document..."        It is an aternative status text that appear at the bottom in the Print Preview dialog box in some circumstances while the report is prepared.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_cmdPrintInDefaultPrinter_Caption = 20400 ' English text: "Print to {Printer_Name}"        Caption of the button that appears at the toolbar when the QuickPrintButtonVisible property is set to True and there is enough space to show it.        {Printer_Name} is a placeholder for the printer device name, do not modify it.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_cmdClose_Caption = 20500 ' English text: "Close print preview"        Caption of the button that appears at the toolbar to close the Print pPreview dialog.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_Print = 20600 ' English text: "Print"        ToolTip text of the toolbar button to print.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_PageSetup = 20700 ' English text: "Page setup"        ToolTip text of the toolbar button to show the Page setup dialog.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_Auxiliary = 20800 ' English text: ""        ToolTip text of the toolbar "Auxiliary" button that is shown when AuxiliaryButtonVisible property is set to True.         There is a property to set the ToolTip text of this button also: AuxiliaryButtonToolTipText. The rule is that if the AuxiliaryButtonToolTipText property is set to "", then this localized text got from the GetLocalizedText event is used, otherwise it is used the text from the property.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_PageNumbersOptions = 20900 ' English text: "Page numbers options"        ToolTip text of the toolbar button to show the PageNumbersOptions dialog.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_Format = 21000 ' English text: "Format"        ToolTip text of the toolbar button to show the Format dialog.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_OrientationPortrait = 21100 ' English text: "Portrait orientation"        ToolTip text of the toolbar button to set the orientation to portrait.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_OrientationLandscape = 21200 ' English text: "Landscape orientation"        ToolTip text of the toolbar button to set the orientation to landscape.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_OrientationCantBeChanged = 21300 ' English text: "The page orientation cannot be changed"        ToolTip text that will be used on the toolbar buttons that are intended to change the page orientation when the device does not support page orientation change.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_ViewNormalSize = 21400 ' English text: "View normal page size"        ToolTip text of the optional toolbar button to show the page at its normal size.        
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_ViewFullWidth = 21500 ' English text: "View full width"        ToolTip text of the toolbar button to show the page(s) at full width.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_ViewFullHeight = 21600 ' English text: "View full height"        ToolTip text of the toolbar button to show the page(s) at full height.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_ViewMultiplePages = 21700 ' English text: "Show multiple pages"        ToolTip text of the toolbar button to show multiple pages.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_DecreaseScale = 21800 ' English text: "Decrease fonts and elements size"        Tooltip text for the toolbar button to scale down.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_IncreaseScale = 21900 ' English text: "Increase fonts and elements size"        Tooltip text for the toolbar button to scale up.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_ShowMenu = 22000 ' English text: "Open menu"        ToolTip text of the toolbar button to show the menu.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_FirstPage = 22100 ' English text: "First page"        ToolTip text of the toolbar button to go to the fist page.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_PreviousPage_Singular = 22200 ' English text: "Previous page"        ToolTip text of the toolbar button to go to the previous page used when showing one page.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_PreviousPage_Plural = 22300 ' English text: "Previous pages"        ToolTip text of the toolbar button to go to the previous page used when showing more than one page.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_NextPage_Singular = 22400 ' English text: "Next page"        ToolTip text of the toolbar button to go to the next page used when showing one page.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_NextPage_Plural = 22500 ' English text: "Next pages"        ToolTip text of the toolbar button to go to the next page used when showing more than one page.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_ToolTipText_ToolbarButton_LastPage = 22600 ' English text: "Last page"        ToolTip text of the toolbar button to go to the last page.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_NonPrintableAreaText = 22700 ' English text: "Nonprinting region"        Is the text used to show to the user, when the Print preview dialog is showing margins, the non-printable regions on the page (if there is any).
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_Inches_Abbreviation = 22800 ' English text: """        Abbreviation for inches, used in the tooltip to show the size of the margins.
bsPPUI_PreviewDialog_Millimeters_Abbreviation = 22900 ' English text: "mm"        Abbreviation for millimeters, used in the tooltip to show the size of the margins.
bsPPUI_ProgressWindow_lblMessage_Caption_Start_PrintPreview = 24000 ' English text: "Loading preview"        Caption used in the progress window.
bsPPUI_ProgressWindow_lblMessage_Caption_Progress_PrintPreview = 24100 ' English text: "Loading preview, page {#}"        Caption used in the progress window.        {#} is a placeholder for the page current number being processed.
bsPPUI_ProgressWindow_lblMessage_Caption_Start_General = 24200 ' English text: "Generating document"        Caption used in the progress window.
bsPPUI_ProgressWindow_lblMessage_Caption_Progress_General = 24300 ' English text: "Generating document, page {#}"        Caption used in the progress window.        {#} is a placeholder for the page current number being processed.
bsPPUI_ProgressWindow_MsgBox_Cancel_Preview = 24400 ' English text: "Cancel the operation?"        Text of the message asking the user whether to cancel the current operation.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_Caption = 26000 ' English text: "Print format"        Text of the caption of the Format dialog box.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_TabCaption_1 = 26100 ' English text: "Options"        Caption of the first tab of the dialog.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_TabCaption_2 = 26200 ' English text: "Style"        Caption of the second tab of the dialog.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_lblScale_Caption = 26300 ' English text: "Scale:"        Caption of the Label for Scale.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_lblColorMode_Caption = 26400 ' English text: "Color mode:"        Caption of the Label for Color mode.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_lblPageNumbersPosition_Caption = 26500 ' English text: "Page numbers position:"        Caption of the Label for Page numbers position.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_lblPageNumberFormat_Caption = 26600 ' English text: "Page number format:"        Caption of the Label for Page number format.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_lblPageNumbersFont_Caption = 26700 ' English text: "Page numbers font:"        Caption of the Label for Page numbers font.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_lblGridPosition_Caption = 26800 ' English text: "Data grid position:"        Caption of the Label for Data grid position.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboColorMode_PrinterDefault = 26900 ' English text: "Printer default"        In the Color mode combo box, the option for "Printer default".
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboColorMode_GrayScale = 27000 ' English text: "Grayscale"        In the Color mode combo box, the option for "Grayscale".
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboColorMode_Color = 27100 ' English text: "Color"        In the Color mode combo box, the option for "Color".
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboPageNumbersPosition_BottomRight = 27200 ' English text: "Bottom right"        In the Page numbers position combo box, the option for "Bottom right".
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboPageNumbersPosition_BottomLeft = 27300 ' English text: "Bottom left"        In the Page numbers position combo box, the option for "Bottom left".
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboPageNumbersPosition_BottomCenter = 27400 ' English text: "Bottom center"        In the Page numbers position combo box, the option for "Bottom center".
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboPageNumbersPosition_BottomOutside = 27500 ' English text: "Bottom outside"        In the Page numbers position combo box, the option for "Bottom outside". See BSPageNumbersPositionConstants.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboPageNumbersPosition_BottomInside = 27600 ' English text: "Bottom inside"        In the Page numbers position combo box, the option for "Bottom inside". See BSPageNumbersPositionConstants.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboPageNumbersPosition_TopRight = 27700 ' English text: "Top right"        In the Page numbers position combo box, the option for "Top right".
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboPageNumbersPosition_TopLeft = 27800 ' English text: "Top left"        In the Page numbers position combo box, the option for "Top left".
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboPageNumbersPosition_TopCenter = 27900 ' English text: "Top center"        In the Page numbers position combo box, the option for "Top center".
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboPageNumbersPosition_TopOutside = 28000 ' English text: "Top outside"        In the Page numbers position combo box, the option for "Top outside". See BSPageNumbersPositionConstants.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboPageNumbersPosition_TopInside = 28100 ' English text: "Top inside"        In the Page numbers position combo box, the option for "Top inside". See BSPageNumbersPositionConstants.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboPageNumbersPosition_HidePageNumbers = 28200 ' English text: "Hide page numbers"        In the Page numbers position combo box, the option for "Hide page numbers" (not to print the page numbers).
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_fpcPageNumbers_ButtonToolTipTextDefault = 28300 ' English text: "Choose font"        ToolTip text of the button to select a different font.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_fpcPageNumbers_DrawSample_Bold = 28400 ' English text: "bold"        The ToolTip text of the font sample shows the font name and its attributes. This is the text for "bold".
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_fpcPageNumbers_DrawSample_Italic = 28500 ' English text: "italic"        The ToolTip text of the font sample shows the font name and its attributes. This is the text for "italic".
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboGridPosition_Centered = 28600 ' English text: "Centered"        In the Data grid position combo box, the option for "Centered".    
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboGridPosition_Left = 28700 ' English text: "Left"        In the Data grid position combo box, the option for "Left".
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboGridPosition_Right = 28800 ' English text: "Right"        In the Data grid position combo box, the option for "Right".
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboGridPosition_Stretch = 28900 ' English text: "Stretch"        In the Data grid position combo box, the option for "Stretch" (stretch the grid to fill the width of the page).
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboGridPosition_EnlargeLastColumn = 29000 ' English text: "Enlarge the last column"        In the Data grid position combo box, the option for "Enlarge the last column" (to fill the width of the page).
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboGridPosition_ToolTipText = 29100 ' English text: "It only has effect when the data grid is narrower than the page"        ToolTip text of the Data grid position combo box.     
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_lblStyle_Caption = 29200 ' English text: "Style:"        In the tab 2, the caption of the Label for the combo box for selecting the Style (grid style).
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboStyle_List_Style = 29300 ' English text: "Style"        Text used when a style does not have a name. The name displayed to the user is composed with this text and a number, such as "Style 3".
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboStyle_List_CustomStyle = 29400 ' English text: "Custom style"        Text used for naming custom styles set by the user. The names are composed with this text and a number, such as "Custom style 2".    
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cboStyle_List_Customize = 29500 ' English text: "Customize"        Text that appears at the end of the list of styles, allowing the user to create a new one.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cmdDeleteCustomStyle_ToolTipText = 29600 ' English text: "Delete style"        Caption of the button to delete the currently selected style. The styles that the user can delete are only the custom ones.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_lblLineThickness_Caption = 29700 ' English text: "Line thickness:"        Caption of the Label for Line thickness.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_txtLineThickness_ToolTipText = 29800 ' English text: "Change line thickness (general)"        ToolTip text for the text box to enter the line thickness, that is applied for all the lines but the header separator.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_ValidateLineThickness_Message = 29900 ' English text: "The line thickness value must be between 1 and 80"        Message text to show the user when an invalid line thickness value was entered. The allowed values are between 1 and 80.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_chkDrawHeaderBackground_Caption = 30000 ' English text: "Headers background"        Caption of the check box to select whether to paint the headers background or not.        
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_chkDrawFixedColsBackground_Caption = 30100 ' English text: "Fixed columns Backg."        Caption of the check box to select whether to paint the fixed columns background or not.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_cmdFixedSectionsBackgroundColor_ToolTipText = 30200 ' English text: "Change background color of headers (and / or fixed columns)"        ToolTip text of the button to change the background color of headers and/or fixed columns.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_chkDrawOtherBackgrounds_Caption = 30300 ' English text: "Other background colors"        Caption of the check box to select whether to paint the background of other cells (that have colored background in the original grid) or not.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_chkDrawOuterBorder_Caption = 30400 ' English text: "Outer border"        Caption of the check box to select whether to draw the outer border or not.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_chkDrawHeaderBorder_Caption = 30500 ' English text: "Headers borders"        Caption of the check box to select whether to draw the headers border or not.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_chkDrawColumnsHeadersLines_Caption = 30600 ' English text: "Column headers lines"        Caption of the check box to select whether to draw the column lines in the headers or not.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_chkDrawColumnsDataLines_Caption = 30700 ' English text: "Columns data lines"        Caption of the check box to select whether to draw the column lines in the data section or not.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_chkDrawRowLines_Caption = 30800 ' English text: "Row lines"        Caption of the check box to select whether to draw the row lines or not.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_chkDrawHeaderSeparatorLine_Caption = 30900 ' English text: "Headers separator:"        Caption of the check box to select whether to draw a line that separates the header from the data section or not.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_txtHeaderSeparatorLineThickness_ToolTipText = 31000 ' English text: "Headers separator line thickness"        ToolTip text for the text box to enter the header separator line thickness.        
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_VariousChangeColorCommandButtons_ToolTipText = 31100 ' English text: "Change color"        ToolTip text for all the buttons used to change colors.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_ValidateHeaderSeparatorLineThickness_Message = 31200 ' English text: "The line thickness value must be between 1 and 80"        Message text to show the user when an invalid line thickness value was entered for the header separator. The allowed values are between 1 and 80.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_lblSample_Caption = 31300 ' English text: "Sample:"        Caption of the Label for the sample drawing.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_DrawSample_Column = 31400 ' English text: "Column"        Text for one individual header cell in the sample drawing.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_DrawSample_Element = 31500 ' English text: "Element"        Text for each first cell of a row in the sample drawing.
bsPPUI_FormatOptionsDialog_DrawSample_Data = 31600 ' English text: "Data"        Text for each data cell in the sample drawing.
bsPPUI_PageNumbersOptionsDialog_Caption = 34000 ' English text: "Page numbers options"        Text of the caption of the PageNumbersOptions dialog box.