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BSToolbarIconIdentifierConstants Enumeration

Constants that are used to identify the icons of the buttons on the top toolbar of the Print Preview dialog box.

bsTBIAuxiliary = 3 ' Images for the "Auxiliary" button.
bsTBIDecreaseScale = 12 ' Images for the "DecreaseScale" button.
bsTBIDecreaseScaleAlt = 13 ' Alternative images for the "DecreaseScale" button. See UseAltScaleIcons property.
bsTBIFirstPage = 16 ' Images for the "FirstPage" button.
bsTBIFormat = 5 ' Images for the "Format" button.
bsTBIIncreaseScale = 14 ' Images for the "IncreaseScale" button.
bsTBIIncreaseScaleAlt = 15 ' Alternative images for the "IncreaseScale" button. See UseAltScaleIcons property.
bsTBILastPage = 19 ' Images for the "LastPage" button.
bsTBIMargins = 2 ' Images for the "Margins" button.
bsTBINextPage = 18 ' Images for the "NextPage" button.
bsTBIOrientationLandscape = 7 ' Images for the "OrientationLandscape" button.
bsTBIOrientationPortrait = 6 ' Images for the "OrientationPortrait" button.
bsTBIPageNumbers = 4 ' Images for the "PageNumbers" button.
bsTBIPageSetup = 1 ' Images for the "PageSetup" button.
bsTBIPreviousPage = 17 ' Images for the "PreviousPage" button.
bsTBIPrint = 0 ' Images for the "Print" button.
bsTBIViewFullHeight = 10 ' Images for the "ViewFullHeight" button.
bsTBIViewFullWidth = 9 ' Images for the "ViewFullWidth" button.
bsTBIViewMultiplePages = 11 ' Images for the "ViewMultiplePages" button.
bsTBIViewNormalSize = 8 ' Images for the "ViewNormalSize" button.