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BSPrintCellsFormattingConstants Enumeration

Constants used in the PrintGrid method for the PrintCellsFormatting parameter.

bsPCFIgnoreAll = 31 ' Ignore all cell formatting.
bsPCFIgnoreBackColor = 2 ' Ignore background colors of cells set individually (CellBackColor).
bsPCFIgnoreFonts = 4 ' Ignore fonts of cells set individually (CellFont).
bsPCFIgnoreForeColor = 1 ' Ignore foreground colors of cells set individually (CellForeColor).
bsPCFIgnorePictures = 16 ' Ignore pictures of cells (CellPicture).
bsPCFIgnoreTextAlignment = 8 ' Ignore text alignment of cells set individually (CellAlignment).
bsPCFPrintAll = 0 ' Print all cell formatting.