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BSGridPositioningConstants Enumeration

Constants to place and size a grid in a report when the available horizontal space is larger than the width of the grid.

bsGACentered = 0 ' The grid will be centered horizontally on the page.
bsGALeft = 1 ' The grid will be aligned to the left side.
bsGARight = 2 ' The grid will be aligned to the right side.
bsGAStretch = 3 ' The grid will extend to all available horizontal space on the page.
bsGAEnlargeLastColumn = 4 ' The last column will be extended to cover the available horizontal space left on the page.    
bsGACenteredAndUserCanChange = 8 ' The default position is the same as bsGACentered but the user is allowed to choose another position in the Format Options dialog box.
bsGALeftAndUserCanChange = 9 ' The default position is the same as bsGALeft but the user is allowed to choose another position in the Format Options dialog box.
bsGARightAndUserCanChange = 10 ' The default position is the same as bsGARight but the user is allowed to choose another position in the Format Options dialog box.
bsGAStretchAndUserCanChange = 11 ' The default position is the same as bsGAStretch but the user is allowed to choose another position in the Format Options dialog box.
bsGAEnlargeLastColumnAndUserCanChange = 12 ' The default position is the same as bsGAEnlargeLastColumn but the user is allowed to choose another position in the Format Options dialog box.