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BSPrinterFlagsConstants Enumeration

Constants used by the Flags property.

Read full info: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/commdlg/ns-commdlg-printdlgexa

bsPDAllPages = 0 ' The default flag that indicates that the All (pages) radio button is initially selected.        This flag is used as a placeholder to indicate that the bsPDPageNums, bsPDSelection, and bsPDCurrentPage flags are not specified.
bsPDCurrentPage = 4194304 ' If this flag is set, the Current Page radio button is selected instead of All.        When the user selects the Current Page option, he will print the current page in the Print Preview dialog box. If more than one page is displayed, only the first will be printed.    If the Print Preview dialog box is not displayed, this option will be disabled.        See also the flag bsPDNoCurrentPage    
bsPDDisablePrintToFile = 524288 ' Disables the Print to File check box.
bsPDNoCurrentPage = 8388608 ' Disables the Current Page radio button.
bsPDNoPageNums = 8 ' Disables the Pages radio button and the associated edit controls.
bsPDNoSelection = 4 ' Disables the Selection radio button.
bsPDNoWarning = 128 ' Prevents the warning message from being displayed when an error occurs.
bsPDPageNums = 2 ' If this flag is set, the Pages radio button is selected. If none of the bsPDPageNums, bsPDSelection, or bsPDCurrentPage flags is set, the All radio button is selected.        The user can specify pages or page ranges, for example:    1,4,7    1,3,5,10-12    3,7-9,13-17        (without spaces)
bsPDPrintToFile = 32 ' If this flag is set, the Print to File check box is selected.        See also the flag bsPDShowPrintToFile
bsPDSelection = 1 ' If this flag is set, the Selection radio button is selected instead of All.        When the user selects Selection option, he will print the pages that are currently displayed in the Print Preview dialog box.    If the Print Preview dialog box is not displayed, this option will be disabled.        See also the flag bsPDNoSelection
bsPDShowPrintToFile = 256 ' Shows the Print to File check box.        Note: this option is added and is not available in the original PrintDlgEx dialog (API), it instead has the HidePrintToFile flag. But here that check box was set hidden by default, and hence the flags are changed.